Monday, July 19, 2010

A Hard Road...

Ah. The blog. The blog that was to document everything we experienced so we wouldn't forget where we went, who we saw, and how we felt - as it was all happening.

Unfortunately, this time around, the blog was precisely the wrong place to post our musings and experiences, which is why we've been MIA for some time now. This is due to a paranoid state, with a bullying boss, and one of the worst experiences Jake and I have had to date. It was a nightmarish state that we were in while we worked there, and when we thought it was all over, it wasn't. The persistent, evil and selfish bosses of ours continued to make our lives an uphill struggle in a country where we don't speak the language, and the immigration officers (conveniently) don't speak English.

Trying to balance already exhausted finances (most stolen by said bosses), visa issuance problems, flights in and out of the country, bogus criminal charges with fraud and conspiracy claims, and trying to fit into a new job, impress a new boss, and explain our situation without seeming like head cases was a task we were not prepared for, but also did not want to fail at.

So, we pushed though, and are happier than ever that the physical and mental abuse we took from that school pushed us to try harder than we ever have, to achieve what we felt we deserved - a great school, with an honest and respectful boss, and engaged students (not to mention great vacation time as well).

Posting anything on this blog while we were employed by the awful husband and wife boss duo could have resulted in them finding out information about our feelings and motivations, and could have given them a leg-up on what our plans might have been. Therefore anything we would have posted, would have had to have been sugar coated or just blatant lies.
They frequently broke into our apartment, listened in on phone conversations, and opened our computer to check the most recent documents. Any paper/electronic trail would have been found and exploited, so here we are, 9 months later, and I finally feel somewhat comfortable writing in this public venue without extreme fear of repercussions. (Note that I am still fearful).
These guys are crazy. Actually out-of-their-mind, bat-shit insane. And they have a grudge against the two of us and seem prepared to go to any lengths to quench their ill-conceived thirst for foreign blood.

However, I figure it's time to stop living in the fearful paranoid state they created, and get back to documenting the good and interesting experiences that we are having and have had since our arrival back in Korea.

Stay posted for more - I promise it will be sooner than in 9 months time.


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