Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Apartment

So, our apartment is pretty sweet. 2 bedrooms, an office, a big kitchen, 2 enclosed balconies, 2 27"screen t.v.'s, a bathtub (very rare in Korea), and to top it all off, the colour of choice throughout the apartment is a stunningly fashionable easter egg purple! Our faves! hahaha. Other than the tacky wallpaper and the purple doors and their frames, the apartment is gorgeous. And it's definitely a good price!!

In Korea all interior doors and windows are sliding, usually opaque, large squares. It's pretty fancy looking. So when in the kitchen, you can open a sliding window and see the computer room/office. Same goes with the two bedrooms and the balconies.
A strange twist to Korean apartments is that they are all made entirely of concrete. So, you can't really hang anything with nails or screws into the walls or ceilings. We've been told it is because of the massive rebuilding of the country after war and recession. Concrete seemed like the quickest and easiest way to build up a stable standard of living and economy.
Other apartments in the neighbourhood are either very bland, or very 'classic Asian' styled, with swooping roofs and round shingles.... you know the type, the stereotypically Chinese design.
Hope these videos give you an idea of how we are living. We haven't had time to decorate yet so don't mind its sparseness.


This tour is interrupted by who we refer to as "The Plum Man." The Plum Man drives around the area with a truck full of produce (often, but not always, plums), and blares a recorded message on loop from his truck. The first time we heard him we thought he was a propaganda man.

APARTMENT TOUR PART 1.5: The Plums of Wrath

Colleen's camera misses the plum man... but you can hear the bugger.


1 comment:

AD and Darlene said...

Cool apartment, nice to see how you are getting along. Jake must be happy to be able to make instant coffee.Feel free to ask for more advise, momma is a mountain of knowlegde when it comes to things like that. Mom is wondering if you could video when you are at your local store, maybe that is frowned on there? Loved your videos, keep it up.